Actor Aamir Khan's debut directorial venture 'Taare Zameen Par', a sensitive story of an eight-year-old dyslexia child, was selected as India's entry to the foreign language category for Oscars at the 81st annual Academy awards.

This was announced by filmmaker Suneel Darshan, who headed the film federation of India (FFI) jury to select the film here on Saturday.

'Taare Zameen Par' written by Amole Gupte was released in 2007 and has received critical and Box Office acclaim. Aamir had said that the film did business of Rs 131 crores at the Box Office world-wide.

Other films in fray for selection were critically acclaimed Marathi films 'Valu' and 'Tingya', Nishikant Kamat's 'Mumbai Meri Jaan', Neeraj Pandey's 'A Wednesday', Ashutosh Gowarikar's 'Jodhaa Akbar', Farhan Akhtar's 'Rock On!', Subhash Ghai's 'Black and White' and Telugu film 'Ghanyam'.

This will be Aamir Khan's second outing at the Oscars. His first home production 'Lagaan' made history in 2001 when it reached the final nomination list of the foreign film category.

The awards ceremony will be held on February 22,2009.