Shah Rukh Khan is working with Anubhav Sinha on a film in which the superstar is playing a superhero. But currently both are working on an animation film, the script for which is nearly complete. “The animation film is coming along quite well. SRK is taking keen interest in the way the film is shaping up. He personally looks at the minute details of the film as he is using a large amount of SFX. It will surely be one of the high budget films of 2009. I really can’t specify the budget but this is both mine and SRK’s dream project,” says the director. The excited director is all praise for SRK. “It is remarkable to see the way Shah Rukh is involved with the project even as he is busy shooting for his other films. The man has so much energy. Now we know why he is called King Khan. The pace at which he is working I’m sure our animated film will be finished by the end of this year.” Anubhav’s earlier project Tum Bin and Dus didn’t do too well at the box office so we hope this animated film will bring some cash to his name.