Bollywood's wonder kid Darsheel Safary, who struck a chord with audiences with his performance and toothy smile in 'Taare Zameen Par', has been signed as the brand ambassador of kids wear Spykar's OYO.

The child artiste has been signed for a year to promote the brand. Company officials refused to disclose the amount he received for this endorsement.

"Darsheel will be involved in an aggressive ad campaign for the brand including video and photo shoots and other necessary activities relating to the promotion of the product," said company sources.

Spykar's has 50 stores spread over 15 cities in India and is planning to open 50 more in the next three months.

Darsheel, who has been much in demand in the film and ad world after his performance as a dyslexic boy in Aamir Khan's directorial debut 'Taare Zameen Par', was also signed as the brand ambassador for health drink Horlicks a few months back.