After a short period of tiff, Priyanka Chopra and Harman Baweja patched up. Their love story again started running on track. Piggy Chops who had dumped the relationship after the dismal performance of Harman in his launch vehicle 'Love Story 2050' wanted to give a second chance to her love and ties up with him again.

The couple was again spotted at various hotspots. It's the right time for the couple to come together as they had been signed by many filmmakers for their upcoming projects and it is important to be in good terms. They will soon start shooting for Ashutosh Gowariker’s What’s Your Rashi?

The duo has decided that they would not let work or any other issues to come in the path of their love relationship and they would remain affected with any false rumors. The duo wished to dump old issue and move forward with new hopes.