A homesick Deepika Padukone will be heading to her hometown Bangalore for the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Deepika wrapped up the shoot of Chandni Chowk To China yesterday and will be leaving to meet her parents (Prakash and Ujjala Padukone) in a day or two. She will be in Bangalore for a week.
"I've either been shooting abroad or just been busy in Mumbai. It's been so hectic that I haven't been to my house in Bangalore for nearly three years," said Deepika.
"I'm going home after a long time. It feels really good," she added.
Even though Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in a big way at her beau Ranbir Kapoor's R K Studios in Chembur, Deepika is determined to go home even if Ranbir would like to have her stay in Mumbai for the occasion.
"Ganesh Chaturthi is a very big event in my home in Bangalore as well. It's a time when my entire family gets together. I've missed the occasion for the past three years. So I can't help it. I've got to go home this time," said an excited Deepika.
This year, the festival is even more important as Deepika's younger sister Alis
he will also be there. Alisha is a professional golfer. "My sister is five years younger than me.
I sometimes envy her. She is into sports, like my father. Being a professional golfer at 19 is such a unique position. Acting seems rather ordinary in comparison," said the proud sister.
When asked if she is religious, Deepika said, "Am I religious? I don't go to the temple every day. But my God is right here in my heart. I believe in a force and that keeps me grounded."
"I've either been shooting abroad or just been busy in Mumbai. It's been so hectic that I haven't been to my house in Bangalore for nearly three years," said Deepika.
"I'm going home after a long time. It feels really good," she added.
Even though Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in a big way at her beau Ranbir Kapoor's R K Studios in Chembur, Deepika is determined to go home even if Ranbir would like to have her stay in Mumbai for the occasion.
"Ganesh Chaturthi is a very big event in my home in Bangalore as well. It's a time when my entire family gets together. I've missed the occasion for the past three years. So I can't help it. I've got to go home this time," said an excited Deepika.
This year, the festival is even more important as Deepika's younger sister Alis
he will also be there. Alisha is a professional golfer. "My sister is five years younger than me.
I sometimes envy her. She is into sports, like my father. Being a professional golfer at 19 is such a unique position. Acting seems rather ordinary in comparison," said the proud sister.
When asked if she is religious, Deepika said, "Am I religious? I don't go to the temple every day. But my God is right here in my heart. I believe in a force and that keeps me grounded."
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