After weeks of delay, Mani Shankar's (Director) Mukhbir, a story of a young boy who works as an informer for the Intelligence Department, is finally releasing on August 29.

Even before the first reel has unspoiled, the filmmaker assures that Mukhbir is a hit.

Shankar said, "If you budget the film correctly, the money you get from satellite, home video rights, video, and music should be more than what your cost of production is. That is what is in Mukhbir. So we have recovered the money on the table. We have what we call a pre-released profit. We are safe even before the release. We are a hit before the release.”

Besides getting the economics right, Mani Shankar has also gone to great lengths to make his lead actor Samir Dattani get under the skin of his character of an informer who penetrates the underworld to help the Intelligence Department of India.

"We took several workshop sessions and we even took him into the underworld. He spent sometime in the prison lockup and only the circuit inspector knew he was an actor," Shankar added.

The lead actor Sammir Dattani said, "People have wondered whether this character is negative and has shades of grey, but he isn't. He is part of the underworld, the negative world, the dark side of life. But he is the only positive hope we have. More than the expectations people have, I am worried about the expectations I have from the film."

The audience need not be worried about their expectations from Mukhbir. The producers have given a money-back offer on the tickets if anyone does not like the film. However, conditions apply.