Aamir Khan knows how to juggle many roles, the actor-director was recently announced the brand ambassador for Incredible India's Atithi Devo Bhava campaign. And now Aamir all set to groom tourists guides and taxi drivers.

Along with being the face of Incredible India, Aamir will now train tourist guides and taxi drivers as part of the Atithi Devo Bhava campaign.

Aamir will conduct training sessions with guides and taxi drivers on personal grooming and appropriate behaviour.

The actor will also now involve himself in an anti-garbage campaign. Educating people about not dumping and writing graffiti on walls.

However, Aamir is not alone in this task, as filmmaker Rakeysh Mehra and lyricist Prasoon Joshi will be joining him for the campaign too.

And in order make the campaign a mass movement, an address will be created where people can send their ideas or write to Aamir Khan directly on how to tackle the menace of 'hostility towards foreigners'.