The Khallas gal Isha Koppikar is highly disappointed with her pregnancy report spreading far and wide. It brewed up on the sets of Rajshri's Ek Vivah Aisa Bhi when she fainted and was rushed to hospital following complain of dizziness. The unit members hurried her to the nearest maternity hospital as it was the closest aid center available near the shooting spot. She was treated in a maternity hospital for 4 days to get rid of stress.
As confirmed by a source, she asked the people to take her to the nearest gynecologist and her verdict has given birth of those speculations. But at the same time, Isha has an altogether different story to tell. She said that she was definitely in a maternity hospital for 4 days but getting treated for stress and nothing else.
Overload of work and taking roles too intensely, improper diet and sleeping habits have affected her health. She rubbishes all sorts of wrong pregnancy tale.
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