It would be a great combination to see father and son dancing on the same track and on the same set. Yes, we are talking about hot Ranbir Kapoor and legendry actor Rishi Kapoor. Director Siddharth Anand is planning to shoot a special number with son and father but at the same time he is feeling scared to approach Rishiji. Siddharth said, “We have used the track from ‘Hum Kissi Se Kam Nahin’ by Kishore Kumar at the beginning of the song. Then we got Kishore and Leena Chandavarkarji’s son Sumeet to sing the rest of the song as an original composition. So it would be quite an emotional and nostalgic trip. Kishoreda’s son sings for Chintujii’s son”.

Bachna Ae Haseena is one of the most highly anticipated films of the era as it has love couple Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone along with Bipasha Basu in the lead roles. Siddharth who is optimistic about the success of his film has roped in music director duo Vishal-Shekhar to frame the music. At first Siddharth zeroed upon Ranbir to sing the song but later he dropped the idea as his voice will not go along with the song.