South superhero R Madhavan will step into Shahrukh’s shoes. He will star in Tamil remake of SRK’s hit film Yes Boss, directed by Aziz Mirza and also starred Juhi Chawla in a pivotal role. The Tamil film is titled Guru En Aalu. Madhavan expressed his excitement to portray Shahrukh’s role in the following way, "I’m quite excited to be a part of the remake. I thoroughly loved the film. Shah Rukh was amazing in Yes Boss. He had so much energy and was jumping here and there with so much ease. He was so charged up that he stood out in the film. It will be quite a task to match his efforts."
Yes Boss tells the story of Rahul, a middle-class youth with high ambitions of striking it rich in the corporate world The story has been kept like the original one with slight changes here and there. Keeping in mind the taste of the South, the makers have incorporated some humor in the film. It will be directed by Selvah and Mamta Mohandas, Abbas, Brinda Parekh and Vivek are also a part of the film.
Shahrukh is the Badshah of Bollywood and Madhavan finds himself fortunate to enact his role. He is the most sought after actor of South and filmmakers find him to be the right choice for this role.
Yes Boss tells the story of Rahul, a middle-class youth with high ambitions of striking it rich in the corporate world The story has been kept like the original one with slight changes here and there. Keeping in mind the taste of the South, the makers have incorporated some humor in the film. It will be directed by Selvah and Mamta Mohandas, Abbas, Brinda Parekh and Vivek are also a part of the film.
Shahrukh is the Badshah of Bollywood and Madhavan finds himself fortunate to enact his role. He is the most sought after actor of South and filmmakers find him to be the right choice for this role.
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