Fans of Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol need not wait till next year to see the hit couple on-screen, for the two will share a cameo in this year’s big release Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi.
Aditya Chopra’s upcoming film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi will see the super-hit jodi together once again. If sources are to be believed, Kajol will make a special appearance in the film.
A source confirmed the above adding that the song is shot at Yash Raj Studios. Yash Raj Films is thrilled to have Kajol on board once again as SRK-Kajol films have always done well at the box-office.”
Karan Johar has already signed up Kajol has the lead heroine in his forthcoming terrorist flick My Name Is Khan, where she will play the wife of Shah Rukh Khan. This film is expected to release late 2009.
Aditya Chopra’s upcoming film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi will see the super-hit jodi together once again. If sources are to be believed, Kajol will make a special appearance in the film.
A source confirmed the above adding that the song is shot at Yash Raj Studios. Yash Raj Films is thrilled to have Kajol on board once again as SRK-Kajol films have always done well at the box-office.”
Karan Johar has already signed up Kajol has the lead heroine in his forthcoming terrorist flick My Name Is Khan, where she will play the wife of Shah Rukh Khan. This film is expected to release late 2009.
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