Leaving the crew of the film astonished, Imran underwent a 3 week training by the UK-based action director Dane and did all the Parkour himself. The chase scene between Imran’s and Sanjay Dutt’s characters involves a heavy dose of stunning Parkour and is among the high points of the film. The scene required Imran to jump from a 16-storey building, which he did without any support!
Imran’s trainer, Dane, was supposed to perform the stunt, but suffered a severe fall from the 12th floor in one of the takes leading to a subsequent black-out. Dane was rushed to the hospital but Imran stayed back at the location and wrapped the stunt himself. While director Sanjay Gadhvi could not dissuade the young actor from this act of sheer dare-devilry, Sanjay Dutt who was on location, and is incredibly protective about Imran, rebuked him for doing his own stunts at this age when he had a long career ahead of him.
Confirms Imran, “I got into a lot of trouble that day. Sanju pulled me up and called Aamir mamu to tell him about what I had done!”
Kidnap is an Indian Films-Studio18 worldwide release and will be in theatres on Wednesday, October 1st.
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