Himesh Reshammiya-starrer Mudh Mudh Ke Na Dekh Mudh Mudh Ke has gone over-budget by about Rs 3 crore. According to our source, Himesh plays a rich man and so the film's producers Aditya Naryan Singh and Shri Ashtavinayak wanted a sprawling house. But, they could not find one.
Our source said, “The filmmakers wanted a particular house that belongs to the character played by Himesh. But, since all available bungalows fell short of their requirements they started hunting for a spacious floor to erect an opulent bungalow set. They couldn't wait any longer as Himesh had limited time to shoot. The film's producers finally had to make a huge set of a bungalow on an open ground at Film City.”
Just as the set was made, things went from bad to worse. “It started raining. To protect the paint from peeling, the producers had to cover the entire sets. Raj Babbar, Farida Jalal, Satish Shah and others are shooting in the bungalow now. Ultimately, the entire sets cost around Rs 3 crore,” said the source.
“Aditya took timely precautions to prevent the sets from getting damaged due to the rains. That cost him a bomb,” adds Himesh.
Mudh Mudh Ke Na Dekh… also stars Niharika Singh and Jennifer Winget.
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