According to some members of the press, the former Bollywood comedy King has been seen surrounded by 3 or 4 rickshaws. He himself travels in his Mercedes while his security persons and others use rickshaws. An industry source reveals, “Govinda doesn’t even take his trusted driver along most days. Since he is constantly on the move, the actor is glued to his cell phone even while driving. Of late, the actor has started mistrusting everyone and he isn’t comfortable having conversations in front of anyone. That’s why he has told his personal bodyguards and other members of his retinue not to travel with him in his car.”

The source further adds, “While other stars have their security personnel travel with them in their car or follow in another car behind. But Chi Chi has taken the cheaper alternative — auto rickshaws. So while the actor drives his posh Mercedes Benz, three of his armed bodyguards follow the actor in rickshaws.”

When Govinda was asked about this, he said, “Yes, I do travel separately with my driver in my Merc, because I’m constantly talking on the phone and they are all important confidential political calls. But my bodyguard and staff do not travel in rickshaws but in an Ambasssador car, which follows me. It’s a police security car. These kind of stories will be planted about me till the elections come.”

So there you have it… it’s because of the important confidential political calls… so does the Prime Minister of India use rickshaws for his entourage too…