The last time we saw Sanjay Dutt and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on screen was in Shabd. Though the film, directed by first-timer Leena Yadav, was a flop, their onscreen chemistry worked quite well. Now, the pair will be seen again on screen, in Mani Ratnam’s next. The film will also star Abhishek Bachchan. Incidentally, Sanjay was not the director’s first choice. He had first chosen Tamil actor, Vikram. But he roped in Sanjay because he wanted a more popular face. Apparently, Sanjay accepted the film immediately when Mani asked him. He even juggled his dates, and walked out of a T-series’s film to make way for Mani’s film. The T-series film, a romantic comedy, was to star Sanjay opposite Kangana Ranaut. It is directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru, who directed the Salman Khan-starrer Lucky.
Here’s something for the trivia lovers: There were rumours that Sanjay would star in Mani’s Aandavan with Ash and Tabu in 1997. The film was later directed by Rajeev Menon as Kandukondain Kandukondain, and Sanjay was replaced by Mammootty.
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