Tamil superstar , whose latest release “Dasavatharam” is making waves across the country, says Indian film awards will soon overtake the globally famed Oscars.“The day when Hollywood would yearn for awards from India rather than (us) running behind the Oscars is not far off going by the improving quality of our films,” Kamal said while releasing the audio of the forthcoming film “Kodaikanal” Monday.“Dasavatharam”, which has Kamal playing 10 different roles, was produced by “Aaskar” Ravichandran who changed his alias from “Oscar” after the US-based academy demanded its discontinuation. Kamal showered praises on directors Bharati Raja and T.K. Bose. “I was ridiculed for appearing as a loincloth-clad rustic in “16 Vayathinile” (At The Age of 16, 1977) under Bharati Raja’s direction. But its success catapulted my hitherto image of a city-slicker into that of a mass hero,” Kamal recalled. “Kodaikanal”, directed by Bose, stars newcomers Thilak, Sekar and Poorna, and Deva has given the music score. “The very fact that Bose is still in the business of direction shows his perseverance,” Kamal remarked.Returning the compliments, Raja praised “Dasavatharam”. “Its technical brilliance left me speechless,” the director said.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Labels: Bollywood News
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