After playing the silent and mysterious Subhash Nagre, a character loosely based on Bal Thackrey in Ram Gopal Varma’s Sarkar and Sarkar Raj, Amitabh Bachchan will now produce a Marathi film under the Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited (ABCL) banner. Without revealing much about the film, the Big B said, “Every regional cinema has its own importance. We should encourage the Marathi film industry as we all are a part of the Indian film industry.” The film will be directed by Umesh Kulkarni, whose first film as director, ‘Valu’, was a hit. Quite naturally, Kulkarni cannot believe his luck. Big B’s foray into Marathi cinema should keep his detractors quiet for a while. After all, those who were criticizing him for not contributing to Maharshtra will have little to say after this move by the Big B.