Saif, who is known to play rather atypical characters like Sameer in Dil Chahta Hai, Karan Singh Rathod in Ek Haseena Thi, Cyrus Mistry in Being Cyrus and Langda Tyagi in Omkara, is again ready to play a hatke role. He will play a terrorist in Karan Johar’s next production. The untitled film will be directed by Rang De Basanti writer Rensil D’Silva. Says a source close to the film, “The story is a far cry from the usual Karan Johar films. There will be no designer glam sham or naach gaana. It is a hard-hitting subject.

Karan loved Rensil’s script so much so that he decided to produce it. He also gave Rensil the freedom to choose the actors to justify his script. That’s how Rensil decided to cast Saif to portray this unusual character in his film.”

“Saif’s character in this film is completely different from any character he has played so far. He plays a meticulous and urban-educated terrorist. There is also an interesting romantic track between him and the leading lady, Kareena,” adds the source.