Shah Rukh Khan’s date-book is so packed that he is scrambling for dates to shoot for Farhan Akhtar’s sequel to Don, the shooting of which was supposed to start in January next year. The film, as of now, has been delayed. Shah Rukh, who is currently on vacation in London, has a packed schedule when he returns to India. He will start shooting for Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi as soon as he lands in Mumbai and then he will be busy with Priyadarshan’s Billoo Barber. After the above two films are over, Karan Johar has booked Shah Rukh’s dates for My Name is Khan and then he will be busy with his own production Happy New Year which is to be directed by Farah Khan. He will also be busy promoting his other venture that is an animation film titled Ravan. Insiders close to the project reveal that Shah Rukh really wants to do the film but to date, he has not found dates for Farhan. Farhan, on the other hand, really wants to have him in the sequel and so he is directing Voice from the Sky first and will then move over to the sequel.
Sources add that if the there is a major schedule crunch, then Shah Rukh will opt out of Don 2. When contacted, Farhan was defensive while talking about the fate of Don 2. “Things are looking good for Don 2 and we hope to start in the beginning of 2009,” he says. But the interesting bit came when we asked him whether Shah Rukh and Priyanka are a part of the sequel. “We plan to have some of the cast from Don in the sequel,” he adds. We pressed him harder on the issue and he tells us, “I’m beginning with Voice from the Sky first. It is too premature to talk about all this now.”
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