Bollywood star Aamir Khan had promised his fans that he will stop smoking after the release of his home production Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na. The movie has been released and is declared a hit, but he is not able to keep himself away from smoking. Aamir made a honest confession on his blog that he has begun smoking again and wrote: “Bear with me folks, I’ll give up once Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na releases.” Aamir posted this on his blog site June 18. Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na, debut vehicle of Amair’s nephew Imran Khan, hit the marquee on July 4 and got overwhelming response at the ticket window. But the star has failed to keep his promise. The actor was allegedly seen smoking while he was in the capital for a live-dial on Hindi news channel. The actor went out to an adjacent office complex to smoke since smoking was not allowed within the premises.
“Aamir was here to talk about his film ‘Jaane Tu…’ and went outside to smoke since it was not allowed within the office area,”
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