Harman Baweja-Priyanka Chopra is another love couple of Bollywood. Though they rarely make any display of their personal emotions and are always hesitant to declare their love in public, the actions of the duo gives us a clear indication that they are in a love relationship. Their reel love story failed at the box office but their real life chemistry is still on and is catching momentum with every passing day. Harman who can go to any extent to make his ladylove happy is busy these days selecting gifts for Priyanka as her birthday is round the corner.

Presently, Harman is in Dubai and he is hanging around in all the shops of Dubai to present his dear ones a lifetime possession. Regarding the gift, Harman said, "I don't know as yet what I'll get for Priyanka. But girls like anything you give then in a gift-wrap and with a smile, trust me on that." It seems that Harman has a good knowledge about likings and disliking of girls.

He will soon be landing in Dubai to start shooting for his next flick Victory and to make July 18 (Priyanka’s birthday) a memorable day for his lady.