Hrishikesh Mukherjee's classic 'Abhimaan' gave Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan an unforgettable film. It also got tongues wagging about how the film reflects the almost real story of this star couple. And now, the magic might be reworked with the 2nd generation Bachchans, when Abhishek and Ashwariya play out similar characters.
Speaking about the film actor Abhishek Bachchan said, "Rajeev Menon the cinematographer is a close friend of both of us.. He has a script in mind and we both liked it. It's not a remake of Abhimaan,it's inspired by Abhimaan."
Recently it was a miffed Prakash Mehra who had vented his disregard for the Big B. Apparently the filmmaker had approached the actor with his plans of a remake but Amitabh Bachchan discourged him on grounds that he too is planning one and the project never seemed to have taken off.
But now that the Junior Bachchan has confirmed the reports of the film's remake and we are ready for the magic to cast a spell one more time.
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